Main Content
Date of lecture: November 13th, 2024

The lecture contains two main parts: 1) Cultural ecosystem services (CES) concept and PPGIS as a tool for landscape assessment and evaluation, 2) Research findings related to perception of CES in Central-Eastern Europe. The first part of the lecture includes a general introduction of ecosystem services, possible categorizations of them, as well as a wide overview of cultural ecosystem services. In addition, PPGIS will be presented as a suitable tool for analyzing CES perception and involvement of local citizens. The lecture reflects not only on the methodological aspects, but also on the possible applications of it.
The second part focuses on some research findings related to CES perception using PPGIS tool. These findings represent many regularities from landscape/regional to local/settlement scale related to CES perception in Central-Eastern European geographical and cultural context using a Hungarian study area from Budapest Metropolitan Region.

István Valánszki, PhD, head of department, associate professor, landscape architect, teacher of engineering, landscape protection expert. He is working at the Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE). He is the program director of BSc in Landscape construction and Garden Design Engineering program of the university, which is among the biggest landscape architecture-related undergraduate programmes in Europe. He has been involved into several national and international projects (e.g. the ecological network-focused ConnectGREEN Interreg project; international teaching (education) development-focused EUland21 and InnoLAND Erasmus+ projects; Democratic Landscape Transformation: Towards an Open Landscape Academy Erasmus+ project; Hungarian Ecosystem Services Mapping and Assessment project). He is author or co-author of more than 200 publications, mainly related to public participation (ppGIS), cultural ecosystem services and green infrastructure ( He is teaching and supervising students in Hungarian and international programs of the University from BSc to PhD level. He has long-term international research experience in many countries (e.g. University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (Germany), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway), The James Hutton Institute (UK), University of Massachusetts (USA)). In addition to national awards, in 2017 he received the “Outstanding doctoral student 2017” Award of the ECLAS (European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools).